

SING’s repertoire consists largely of pieces with both lyrics and compositions by Siv Ågren. The texts are often about existential and spiritual matters and phenomena, written in Swedish, Finnish or English. The repertoire covers several music genres, spanning from simpler songs to rock, from swing to Latin music and jazz- influenced ballads.

While composing songs, Siv Ågren often accompanies herself with the guitar. At performances, SING’s ensemble can consist of two voices and a guitar. Depending on the songs performed, the SING ensemble can also be backed up by a band on stage.

SING make their records at the studio of Stefan Kilju Lindblom in Vaasa. In collaboration with SING, he delivers the sound mixing, and also arranges and plays several of the instruments.

Tine Sylvest makes the duo arrangements of the songs. At studio recordings of SING’s music, she arranges and sings all harmony vocals and arranges parts for some instruments.

Santeri Jutila films most of SING’s videos and together with Siv Ågren and Tine Sylvest, he edits and finishes them. Siv and Tine create the concept of the videos, where most of the content is improvised while filming.