
Tanken svæver
stedet er
vor jord.

Medicine Wheel

Tekst og musik: Siv Ågren

There is someone who whispers
my name.
There is someone who’s calling
my name.
Is it you, my friend?
No, it is the Earth.

There is someone caressing my face.
There is someone who’s touching
my hand.
Is it you, my friend?
No, it is the Earth.

Everybody comes alone.
Everybody walks alone
Everybody dies alone again.

There is someone who’s singing for me.
There is someone who’s playing
for me.
Is it you, my friend?
No, it is the Earth.

Everybody walks alone

Medicine Wheel Video

Tekst og musik: Siv Ågren
Leadsang: Siv Ågren & Tine Sylvest
Vocal harmonies: Tine Sylvest
Akustisk guitar: Siv Ågren
Tværfløjte: Åsa Dahlkarl-Gustavsson
Båndløs bas: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Slagtøj: Tuukka Aitoaho
Arrangement stemmer: Tine Sylvest
Tværfløjtearrangement: Tine Sylvest
Hvisken og lydmanipulation: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Indspilning og mixning: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Mastring: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Videoproduktion: Santeri Jutila
Producent: SING

My Love

Tekst og musik: Siv Ågren


My love,
you are my only one
in this world,
in my life!


I cried
so many tears
I could have died,
but I´m still here

Waiting, waiting,
Waiting, waiting,
I wonder, wonder, wonder

if you, if you love me like I love you….

My love…


Text och musik: Siv Ågren
Solister: Siv Ågren, Tine Sylvest
Vocal harmonies: Tine Sylvest, Siv Ågren, Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Vocal harmonies arrangement: Tine Sylvest
Akustisk guitar: Siv Ågren
Violin: Peter Enroth
Bas, elektrisk guitar, keyboard: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Trommer: Tuukka Aitoaho
Indspilning, mixning och mastring: Stefan KILJU Lindblom
Illustrationer: Tine Sylvest
Video: Viktor Palm
Producer: SING